Communist and I make tanks and aircraft and anti air vehicles icbm lonchers etc I DO HAVE A DISCORD SERVER!

CNOTE @Comme720


Silas :>

The communist manifesto


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Comme720's News

Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

iu_1264514_22443364.webpthis is my take on the su 122 55 or su 122 44 what ever you wanna call it but I think it's cool this toke me 30 mins but I think it looks nice :3


Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

I hate how now there's no like out of the box or even like 5 parts then out of the box you build it and boom it's done ready for war like why not?? And it's not painted so it's not 300 FUCKING $'s LIKE WHAT THE HELL! I really wanna make my own and sell them and make other communists dreams come true but I don't have the money for mass production sadly:[ maybe one day

Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

So when I was traveling to my grandparents house the kv 1 and 2 were vary easy to transport but the object 279 was not so I'm going back to the old heavy tank format were the tanks I've made this year were 14x44 but back then they were 12x32 but 14 by 44 is to big so were going back to 12x32 and no the tanks I've already made will not be converted to 12x32 but all Future projects will be

Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

I love the is 3 just I don't really know how to make it right so I've tried over and over to make it hopefully I get it right this time this mode is over 2 years ya you read that right 2 YEARS OLD but all good things come to a endiu_1263459_22443364.webp

Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

It has a 140mm gun and it's the one in the front iu_1263351_22443364.webp

Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

iu_1262834_22443364.webpkv 1 had miner damage and that's it the only issue was the size of the 279 so we're ganna go back to the old heavy tank design cus that's smaller

Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

iu_1262728_22443364.webpkv 1 and kv2 and maybe object 279 are going to grandma's house to fight for the mother land!!


Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

Hello every one I'm back! And with a new tank! I've been very busy and tired but I'm trying my best to keep up! iu_1262300_22443364.webpiu_1262301_22443364.webp



Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

idk if it posted but I posted this before but to recap I made this cus I was sad cus Sam [my crush] said that I remind him of his brother so we can't date :[ iu_1261222_22443364.webp


Posted by Comme720 - 2 weeks ago

iu_1260612_22443364.webpI have so much more then this I just like these ones alot
